Apply to St. Gregory the Great

Enrollment for 2025-26 starts February 3!


Age Requirements

3K - Students must be 3 years old on or before September 1 to apply for three-year-old kindergarten. (See our Early Childhood page for more information)

3K Application English

3K Application Spanish

K4 – Students must be four years old on or before September 1 to apply for four-year-old kindergarten. (See our Early Childhood page for more information)

K5 – Students must be five years old on or before September 1 to apply for five-year-old kindergarten. (See our Early Childhood page for more information)

1st Grade – Students must be six years old on or before September 1 to apply for 1st grade.


St. Gregory the Great Application

  • Complete a St. Gregory the Great Student Application for each child. To obtain an application download one here or visit the school office for an enrollment packet.
  • Student Application 2025-26 English 
  • Student Application 2025-26 Spanish
  • Immunization Records: Immunization records as required by Wisconsin statute
  • Birth Certificate: Verification of student’s legal name and age must be presented to school officials in the form of an official state birth certificate at the time of registration. Student’s name must be the same on all information.
  • Baptismal Certificate: A copy of the student’s baptismal certificate (if applicable)


Non-Discrimination Policy

The parish/school respects the parents as primary educators of their children and provides opportunities in an atmosphere that reinforces the educational and formational priorities occurring within the home environment. Parents freely choose to share their parental authority and responsibility for the education and formation of their children with the parish/school community in a cooperative relationship.

The parish/school respects the dignity of the child. Neither race, nationality, nor other forms of discrimination shall prevent a child from being accepted in the Catholic school.
(5110 Archdiocese of Milwaukee; Policy adopted: 11/12/74; Rev. 4/2/90)

New Student Policy

All students new to the school are on probation during the first year of their attendance. New students will be tested at the onset of the new school year or at the time of admittance.

Approved 4-20-83 – Revised 11-2010- School Commission

Applying to St. Greg's (Tuition): 

St. Gregory the Great Application - English / Spanish 

Tuition Policy 2024-25 - English / Spanish

Tuition Contract - English / Spanish

Wisconsin Private School Tuition Tax Credit

In 2013, the Wisconsin Legislature approved a state budget bill (2013 Wisconsin Act 20), which established a tax deduction credit for private school tuition. Parents with dependent children in a private school are now able to receive a tax deduction for tuition. Click Here for the 2024 form.

Applying to St. Greg's (For Choice):

To apply to the choice program please visit

St Gregory the Great participates in the Private School Choice Programs. These include the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) and the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP). Schools that participate in the program receive a state aid payment for each eligible student.


Overview of Private School Choice Programs Wisconsin

Introducción a los Private School Choice Programs en Wisconsin

Application Guidelines

Pautas de Solicitar para los Padres


Online Parent Application Print Screens

Video Tutorial English

Video Tutorial Spanish

For more information regarding the Private School Choice Program please visit the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website here: DPI Parental Choice Program


*On the DPI - Prvate Choice Program System, only one choice application is needed for multiple students. You will be asked for your parent information, student information, which schools you are applying to, and income verification.

Saint Gregory the Great Parish School - Milwaukee (MPCP) 
Address: 3132 South 63rd Street
Milwaukee, WI 53219
Saint Gregory the Great Parish School - Milwaukee (WPCP) 
Address: 3132 South 63rd Street
Milwaukee, WI 53219

The choice application can only be done online. If you do not have access to a computer or need help, contact us at 414- 321-1350 from 8am-3:30pm someone will assist you.

Open Application Periods for Private School Choice Program


Supporting Documentation
Parents must provide supporting documentation directly to each school they apply to during the open application period as explained in the application and confirmation email, or the application is ineligible:
Income Documentation:
Parents of new students must show income eligibility by either:

(1) providing their social security numbers or taxpayer identification numbers and having the Department of Revenue determine whether the student is income eligible

(2) using the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Income Determination method by answering a series of income questions in the online parent application. Generally, documentation must be submitted directly to the school(s) if the parent selects the DPI Income Determination method.
Students who participated in any Choice program in the prior year and students on Choice waiting list in the prior year applying to the same Choice program are not required to provide income documentation. New Choice students must provide income documentation showing the family income does not exceed the following income limits:
2025-26 Income Limits
Family Size MPCP and RPCP Yearly Income* WPCP Yearly Income*
1 $45,180 $33,132
2 $61,320 $44,968
3 $77,460 $56,804
4 $93,600 $68,640
5 $109,740 $80,476
6 $125,880 $92,312
For each
member add:
$16,140 $11,836
*If the student’s parents/legal guardians are married, their income
is reduced by $7,000 when determining income eligibility for the
program (i.e. married family income minus $7,000 is the amount
married families compare to the table).

Click Here For Information Regarding Income Limits

Families over the income limit for the Private School Choice Program must pay tuition, please review the instructions for tuition enrollment or contact us, 414-321-1350 and we will answer all the questions you might have!
Supporting Documentation
Parents must provide supporting documentation directly to each school they apply to during the open application period as explained in the application and confirmation email, or the application is ineligible.

Residency Documentation: All parents must provide residency documentation

Proof of Residency

  • MPCP: Students must reside in the city of Milwaukee
  • WPCP: Students must reside in Wisconsin but outside the city of Milwaukee School District

Click Here To View Full Acceptable Residency Documents List

Lista de Documentos de Residencia Aceptables


if applicable / si corresponde




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