Mass Servers

Mass Servers

Due To The COVID-19 Pandemic, Sign-Up For Mass Servers Is Closed For The 2020-2021 School Year.


Any student in 5th to 8th grade who is a catholic, is baptized, and has received 1st communion can become a Mass Server. All that is required is to attend 3-4 training sessions instructed by the server coordinator, Cindy Bremeier.

Students Who Attend Either The Parish School Or Public/Private Schools Are Most Welcome To Serve!

We are aware that students from different schools can have very different schedules. We will work around your schedule; we can meet in the early evening, on Saturdays, Sunday after 10:00 AM Mass, or when it is convenient for you.

Once students are trained, they can request their preferred Mass times for serving. For students in the Sunday school program, we work around your schedule. During the summer, you can tell us when you are available.

To schedule training sessions or if you have any questions, call Cindy Bremeier at 414-543-8292 EXT. 213, or e-mail her at