Home & School Association

Home And School Association Open Board Positions

We are looking for board members for the 2024-25 school year. If you or a St. Greg’s school parent you know are interested in helping out with event planning and community building, then Home and School is the association to join!

President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the nominating committee. The President may also be required to mediate any situations that are relevant to the Association

Vice President: Acts as an aide to President and perform duties of the President in the absence of that office. The Vice President shall perform such duties as are delegated by the President. In the event that the Secretary is absent at the Board Meeting, the Vice President shall fill the role of the Secretary for that meeting.

Treasurer: Shall be responsible for reconciling the funds of the association while keeping an accurate account of receipts and expenditures in conjunction with the event chairperson. The Treasurer’s responsibilities must be completed in compliance with Parish Financial Policies. Responsibilities include the collection of money at all events by the Treasurer or designee as shall be approved by the President prior to the event. The Treasurer should have close collaboration with all event chair people and perform such duties as are delegated by the President.

Secretary: shall keep accurate record of all meetings of the association, publish approved monthly minutes in a timely fashion and shall perform such duties as are delegated by the President.

Members at Large: To support the objectives of the Home and School Association and the leadership of the officers to analyze fund raising needs and ideas. To attend all Board Meetings and Parent Meetings.

Please contact Home and School at stgregshomeandschool@gmail.com with interest or questions.



Home and School Calendar- Unavailable at this time 


Home & School Meeting Minutes Archives